In fashion photography an image gets manipulated a lot and it’s
not only image that gets manipulated with, they also select perfect model for
that photo-shoot. Images are really easy to change and that is why you can
never trust what you see in a fashion magazine. They always change the picture
before they use it for their magazine.
There are more than one way to manipulate the picture and
one of them is known as digital manipulation/airbrushing. This is the most
common manipulation for fashion magazines. They always use some computer
programme (for example photoshop) to change the models look and to make her
look perfect. They make sure that all the spots that model have are covered
with make up so you can’t see then and if makeup doesn’t help, they use editing
programme to cover it. This is not really good for the readers because if they
make their model look perfect even knowing that she is not, the reader is going
to think that they should look like that because that is how perfect people
look like and they would like to be same as they are. Also readers may thing
that they need to change themselves because they are not beautiful or they don’t
have right size and this change might lead to eating disorder or something
similar. If you look at the models in fashion magazines and how their skin is
clear and looks just perfect, it is all made by using makeup and some editing
software. Some of those pictures has face lifted a little bit higher to make
sure that the neck looks taller and shows off face and they will change face
form as well and they also may change the look of your hair by making it look
bigger and more healthy.
Another way how they manipulate with pictures is that they
make sure that they choose right model for their photoshoot. For example if
they want to advertise their newest dress or something like that, they will
choose model with right figure to do that. They will make sure that the dress
look just perfect on that model and then they will make it more perfect by
editing it.
Overall, you can’t really trust fashion magazines and
someone you might want to look like might be just someone that has been
photoshoped to look perfect in which case that would mean that you are trying
to be someone that doesn’t even exist. If you look up some of the models from
magazines without makeup, they will look like a completely different person.
Examples of some of the pictures that has been manipulated;
As you can see pictures are
really easy to manipulate with. You can change everything about a picture. You
can change your hair colour, eye colour, clothes and a lot more. You also can
change how person is standing or how tall or short they are, you can change
their size, in fact, you can change every single detail about pictures. So are
pictures telling true? No. They get changed too much and in fashion photography
they will get changed before they will be used. This is why all the models in
pictures look just perfect. It’s because they change some details about the
model in Photoshop to make her look perfect. If you look in internet at some
pictures, there is a big chance that they have been edited before they got put
up on internet. Every single fashion magazine has edited pictures to make them
look more perfect.